SPF is ideal for residential and commercial construction due to its low cost and high strength to weight ratio. Western SPF lumber tend to be available in larger sizes than eastern SPF due to the climate and size of logs. Th. combination of the species and growth conditions in estern Canada result in tall straight trees which produces strong straight lumber that when dried correctly is stable and ideal for construction.
Wood-frame construction most often takes place on site, but there are many costs and quality advantages to using rernanufacturecl components such a. trusses and vvalls. A number of Canadian manufacturers make prefabricated buildings and building corrkponents and SPF lumber is the primary building material of choice. Buildings and building components such as wall and roof panels ca.n be compactly packed in containers and shipped economically.
Whether constructed on site of from remanufactured components, wood-frame
construction is a fast, light, proven way of building houses, apartments and even commercial buildings. It is supported by a vast amount of research and testing to meet the most difficult climatic conditions.